Sunday 1 January 2017

Welcome, my blog-followers. As it is January first, I suppose this is my first 'official' day of my 365 days of crocheting. The Granny Waves blanket is coming along quite nicely, although it's not done yet. Here's the update pictures...

So this is the blanket with one full skein of the white and blue each completed. I didn't measure it, but it's pretty big. There is going to be plenty of leftovers I think, though. I still might make it a little longer than the width, but we'll see. I'll probably get it to length and then weave in ends before deciding what to do next.
Anyway, this is my current status:

I'm pretty happy with how it's looking. It's also nice and soft. So now I'm at a total of about twelve hours and right at thirty-three inches. Only five inches to go. But the most tedious part is yet to come. Weaving ends. Out of all the parts of crocheting, it's the part I like the least. And because of the very many colour changes with this one, there are a lot ends to weave.

Well, tomorrow is supposed to start a new project, the Brain Waves Beanie by Liz McQueen.

The pattern calls for dark blue, green, light blue and grey, but I'm going to substitute in yellow and black because those are the colours I have right now. I find that 'beanies' (or toques as we Canadians say) are excellent for using up old scraps of yarn. As long as it's the all the same weight it's good. The calendar calls for this pattern to be from Jan 2 - 6, but I don't imagine it will actually take me that long.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll update tomorrow! Happiness to everybody!

Tip to any beginner crocheters reading this - make sure you weave in the ends good and tight, otherwise they'll pop out and ruin your project. If possible, it's great to separate the strands of yarn and weave them in opposite directions. This can leave the strands weaker ad more easily broken, though, so be careful.)

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