Monday 23 January 2017

I am officially ahead of schedule! Today the baby blanket has been finished. It's 9.5 inches by 11 inches and took a grand total of three hours to complete. And here it is.

Isn't it cute? I really like it. It's soft and cozy too, even though it's really small. I actually think it would make a really cute clutch if I sew it up right. I'd need to put some sort of cloth lining in it to keep it from stretching all out of shape. Here's something what it might look like if I did that.

I think it would work.

But anyway, that's done and the next project starts on January 25, so I don't really know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I'm either going to start one of the bigger projects for February, work on one of my older projects that I haven't completed, or the January bonus project. But I'll decide that tomorrow. :) For the rest of today I'm just going to enjoy my completed work and watch Supergirl.

Goodnight and good times to everybody!

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