Friday 27 January 2017

Okay, so nothing new to report today. The bonus project remains a secret, but tomorrow starts a new project, so here we go.

So the next project here is a fleece blanket edging, but since I didn't want to spend a lot of money on it, I'm putting an edging on a pre-made burp cloth that I got really cheap. The yarn I have featured here is a lace-thread yarn, I lost the label so I don't know the brand off hand, but it's something I bought last year to make a tablecloth (still unfinished...). I'm also going to be using a super small hook for it. I'm not sure that this lace yarn is going to work for it, as it might be too light. I'll probably give it a go with the last of the baby soft yarn before I try to use this. Anyway, it's late and I'm tired, so that's all folks. Goodnight and stay happy.

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