Monday 9 January 2017

Today was the first day of the ice chip mitts, and I have to say I am really liking this pattern. It's a little challenging since it's worked through one loop only instead of both loops. I love the texture that it creates, though, and I think someday I'd like to crochet a full afghan with this technique. That won't be for quite a while, though. Anyway, I put in two hours on this so far, and I've gotten the basic part of one mitt done and started the second.

So not much of the second mitt,  as seen in the (messy) second picture. But I am feeling quite satisfied with my progress. Not only with the mitts, but I am feeling very pleased with this blog. I had some self-doubt that I could actually stick with it, and it's already Jan 9th and I'm going strong! So that makes me happy. Of course, life is pretty calm at the moment... we'll see how I do when things get busier!

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