Tuesday 17 January 2017

January 17th

The bag is (almost) done! I still have to weave in most of the ends, but I'm so tired tonight I'm not finishing it tonight. It looks great, though. Much bigger than I expected, but still really cool. It'd make a great sort of storage bag or an oversized purse kind of deal. Anyway, here's the pics.

I really enjoyed making this bag. I think I'll probably make another one for myself at some point as a beach bag or something. It was really fun to make. And I ran out of the yellow yarn, so that's that done. It's been 3.8 hours on this project, and I think by the time I get the weaving done it'll be a full 4 hours.

Speaking of yarn... I went through all my yarn today, and I realized that I have a lot of odds and ends, and I'm not sure that I have enough of these odds and ends to make any sort of cohesive project when the time comes with a pattern for odds and ends. And I'm watching a really weird NCIS episode where Gibbs is hallucinating or dying or something. It's a little strange. But then I guess everything is strange sometimes. Especially in life... life can be very strange.

But anyway, the project starting tomorrow is an infinity cowl. I'll be using Caron simply soft, dark blue. I like the Simply Soft because it's (drumroll) really soft.

So I think this ought to be a one-skein project, and it'll be great. Well, I'm signing off now. Goodnight and stay happy!

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