Saturday 7 January 2017

Today I am super happy! Why? Because I got the Vintage Bean Necklet done today! I did do a little bit on it yesterday, but for the most part I worked on it just today. All told, it took me just over three hours to complete. And here it is!

I really like how it turned out. And I think that it works well with the Brain Waves Beanie, as Maggie will model here.

Doesn't she look nice and cozy? The necklet is 100% acrylic and fastens together with a black button (sewed on with yellow thread to continue the 'bumblebee' effect).

My next project is a pair of fingerless mitts, and I'll be putting those with this set so that it's a nice complete package. More information will be coming on those tomorrow, as I'll be starting them on the ninth of January. Tomorrow will be more work on the Granny Waves Blanket! Yay...

Flipping through the calendar, I've seen a few that I'd actually like to make from alpaca yarn. I've never worked with it before, and there are so many places that sell it online that I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I know I want 100% alpaca. Do any of you know a good place/website to purchase it from?

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