Monday 30 January 2017

Okay, so based on the feedback I got from yesterday's post, I decided to go with just the single edging. I also forgot to say that the pattern I used was designed by Marleen and Byron Manley at EdgeryDoo Emerson

I used some of the leftovers from the granny waves blanket, and the burp cloth is done. So it ended up taking me just over one and a half hours to complete, and here it is.

The project for today and tomorrow is Daniel's Little Car Motif, designed by Mette Buchreitze from Italy.

I'm making it purple because that's what yarn I have. I don't remember what brand it is, I think it's a red heart brand but I'm nor sure. Anyway, I have already completed the little car motif! It took me 36 minutes.

I changed a little bit of the design to give it a slightly different look, and I really like how it turned out. I think if I made enough of these I could probably create some sort of blanket. Actually, I think if I could make it into a granny square that would work best. Or some sort of road/town backdrop with the little cars driving on them. So I'll file that in the list of things I'd like to do in the future too! Maybe a backdrop of green using the ice chip mitts textured technique with some grey squiggles on it for roads. Hmmm. It could work!

Anyway, that's that. All of the January projects except the bonus one (which will still remain a secret for now) are finished. It's really fun, and I'm really happy to have kept up to date with my blog for so long, and I look forward to continuing! Happiness to everybody!

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