Thursday 16 March 2017

Today's update on the Candy Hearts Blanket! Well, I got two hearts done on this latest panel. I didn't put in as intensive work as I did with the previous one. But that's okay, because I have other things going on that are probably a little more important... like my job. Maybe not as fun, though. Although I did help tear down a barn today, so that was fun!

Anyway, with this one I am timing how long each heart takes me to complete. The first one was 46 minutes, and the second was closer to 30. I don't know exactly, because my paper that I wrote it down on is in the living room and I'm in my bedroom, and I'm to lazy to go get it right now. 😛

That's what I've got on panel number four right now. Clearly I am making progress, even if it's not as fast as I would have liked.

Tomorrow I am going to be working with Bamboo. I'm super excited, because I think it's pretty neat. I'll be making a cowl.

I'm super excited for this, and I hope that it turns out as good as I am imagining it to be!

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