Monday 20 March 2017

Today I have an almost-completed panel 4 to show off! I'll work on it more today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get it finished tonight. It is coming along, and I'm glad to be making progress. It's going to look fantastic when it's all put together, but I'm impatient and I want it done now. ;)

Those pictures are a little blurry. At least the second one is. But it shows you how much is done. I just need to do the white edging. And then, panel four!!! I think tomorrow I'm going to start putting them together. Either that, or I am going to start panel 5. Probably put them together. I feel like I've been going  bit intense with the crocheting lately and it's not entirely pleasant. My wrist is developing an ache. So I might need to do something that's not quite as intense, but that I can still see significant progress with.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. What do you think?

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