Friday 10 March 2017

Okay, so today at long last I have an update on the progress of the Candy Hears blanket. I have (drumroll) TWO panels completed! Isn't it amazing (not really, but I'll get to that in a minute.) anyway, here they are.

So, it's taken me about 17 hours to get to this level. However, that's also because I took out the first attempt and redid it, so rather than taking 8.5 hours each, it's only take about 5.5 hours (rounded down) each. In other words, these take quite a while to complete. I am going to have to put in more solid effort to get it done soon, since it's already 1/3 of the way through March and I'm not done February yet... but happy thoughts! I hope to be able to update my progress on it more regularly.
Now, going onto the next project, here is a mug cozy!

I'll be using this cotton yarn again, and as you can see it's starting to look a little deflated. But that's okay, and soon I will have a nice cozy for when I have a hot mug and don't want to burn my hands. (The mug featured here was a graduation present from a friend. Awesome, eh?)

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