Thursday 9 March 2017

Today the little bag is completed! I changed the design a bit, but giving it a flap that folds over and buttons (because I have security issues) and giving it only one handle long enough to go over the chest because that's how I like to carry bags. Two hours, and it turned out pretty good, and here it is!

In case you can't see, it's 7 inches wide and about 6 inches tall. I also used a couple of funky buttons for it, rather than just the plain ordinary circles. This is going to be great for when I want to take my wallet somewhere but I don't have pockets and I don't want to haul around my purse.

So, for tomorrow I am going to make a concentrated effort on the Candy hearts blanket again. I have another afghan coming up, and I would like to get this one done before I get to that one. Which might mean I'll go back to the February bonus pattern for some filler, but hopefully I'll have more time to work on stuff I the coming days!

Welp, that's it for tonight. Goodnight!

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