Monday 13 March 2017

St. Patty's Doily! That's what's starting today, folks. It's worked in single crochet and chain stitches, and so far it seems pretty easy. I've put in about 1/2 hour and finished 2 rounds, but the second was much quicker than the first and I think it'll be pretty quick from here on out.

So, the pattern is by Loretta Schepp. No website is provided. And here I what I've done so far!

Except I can't keep it. Looking at it now, I made a major mistake right a the beginning and I have to take the while darn thing out. *sigh* oh well, that's crochet for you! If at first you make a mistake, try to find a way to fix it without tearing the whole thing out but you'll probably have to anyway. It's not really a big deal, especially since I just started. It'll be fine.

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