Sunday 19 March 2017

Early post today, because guess what? I got the cowl done! It took me eighty minutes total, so that's just under an hour and a half. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, too. It's so pretty.

And it ended up thicker than I expected that it would be. The yarn really went a long way.

I had a little extra, though, so I made myself a small bracelet.

I really liked this project, although the stitches were basically the same as the infinity scarf a while back. What was really different was that the pattern called for scraps of ribbon to be crocheted in, but I decided I didn't want to do that, since this was my first time working with bamboo, and I don't think I have any ribbon that would have looked good in that, anyway.

And here is Maggie, modelling.

So tomorrow I will be focusing on the Candy Hearts blanket again... and then we'll see what happens next! In the meantime, have some cake.

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