Friday 31 March 2017

Okay, so today was a lot of driving around and no crocheting. I just ran out of energy, and even if it doesn't take a lot of energy to crochet, I just don't have it tonight. I need to be able to just sit back and chill without any obligations.

So instead of showing off new things, I'll just post what I am going to be making tomorrow.

This is yarn that I got rom a second-hand store and I will be making the Lacy Shawl out of it. I'll be starting that tomorrow. As for now, goodnight!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Good night everybody! Hehehehe. It is night. And today was the Snow Princess Cowl and Wristlets set designed by Kristine Allen of Ambassador Crochet

So the two wristlets are different patterns because I ran out of yarn. They're still functional, though. It took me 1 1/2 hours to make, though that is probably in part due to the fact that I was crocheting in the dark. It was a super easy pattern, and one that is really easy for beginners. Basically it's just the single crochet in rounds. Presto! Easy.

I'll be on the road for a long time tomorrow, so I'm not sure what sort of crocheting I'll be able to do. I'll let you know tomorrow!

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Hello my friends and welcome to the updated rug. It's coming along nicely, but I've run out of yarn ends to use on it right now (I'm not at home, I have plenty more there) and so that's all I will be using on it right now. I think it's one that I will work on it in the background (like super background) because I don't really know how large I want it to be. I'm really liking how the mix-matched colors are coming together, though!

There is some stuff that I've seen at Michaels that you can put on the back of these sorts of things to give it an actual rug backing, but I don't know if I'm going to want that. It might not get much bigger than it is already we'll see though.

So, next project is the Snow Princess Cowl and Wristlets. I'll be making it out of blue and white, rather than the pink that is shown on the picture there.

I think I'll have enough for one set out of it. I hope so, at least!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

So today was meant to be  the Stash Buster Cat Bed by Sue W. Thompson of Miracles Happen

And I did start making this pattern using my odds and ends and whatnot, but as I was going, I decided I liked the pattern and hw it was looking so I decided to just keep it going flat and make a rug out of it.

Not only does it look good, but I think it will be great to get rid of the bits and pieces that are too small to do anything else with them. So it's great! I'll be working more in it tomorrow as well.I'll have an update on my progress then.

Monday 27 March 2017

Easter Marshmallow Bunnies today! Or rather, bunny. I'm only making one. It was desgned by Doni Speigle

So this is consisted of two sides that are sewn together and filled. I could have put a lot more in it to make it more marshmellowy, except I don't really have anything with me right now. I used some scrap yarn, and it tuned out pretty cool. It's very soft. Since I am giving it to a child as a present, I decided that the bead nose and eyes were a choking hazard and didn't put them on. I think it's still pretty cute, though.
Tomorrow is also going to be a project that I will be using scraps and leftovers to make. It is the Stash Buster Cat Bed.

Yes, it is an April pattern, but all that's left for March is a full sized afghan and the bonus pattern which I don't have yarn for right now. So I am on to April, with the possibility of visiting back again sometime in the future. It depends on how things go from here on out. The blankets are definitely what takes the longest and I'll be starting the May blanket here one I'm done the Candy Hearts blanket, but I don't know how long that will be. Anyway, I hope you all have a great night and see you tomorrow!

Sunday 26 March 2017

Okay, so update on candy hearts. Didn't get as much as I wanted to get done, but I have about half a heart left and then just the border and then the fifth panel is done. Hopefully it will be enough to finish the blanket. Anyway, here it is.

So that is that! Tomorrow I will be working on a new project... Easter Marshmallow Bunnies!

And that is the update for today! Hope you are all doing well and see you tomorrow!

Saturday 25 March 2017

Two mini projects done today! The FPdc (front post double crochet) Dishcloth and Scrubbie! This was just a simple, easy pattern that I whipped up quickly. It was designed by Kristine Mullen at Ambassador Crochet


That is the dishcloth! It's 8 inches wide, although the pattern called for it to be wider, because I thought it was the right size for my hand. It's got a smooth pattern on one side and a ridged pattern on the other, so it'll be great for casual washing and heavy scrubbing, too.

The scrubbie is just a smaller version of it. I'm not sure that a smaller one is going to do much good, but I suppose for the really bad stuck-on messes you want something that you can have a better grip on. I think it's pretty cute, anyway.

Here they are together!

Okay, so tomorrow I will concentrating on the candy hearts blanket again. have a good night and see you then!

Friday 24 March 2017

Wide-brimmed Floppy Hat today! It's designed by Joede in Black Pearl Creations. Website provided doesn't work.

So I didn't time myself with this project, but it took about 4 Bones episodes to complete. I made it with the purple acrylic yarn with the missing label. I'm almost out of it now though. But I completed the hat! And here it is.

It's a surprisingly heavy hat, but it's made from double strands of worsted weight yarn, so that makes sense. Taking off a couple of rounds from the brim and it makes a great old lady gardener hat, especially with a fake flower in it  Maggie really likes this hat. She doesn't like having a naked head.

Okay, so tomorrow I will be working on a dishcloth and scrubbing. 

Thursday 23 March 2017

Update on Candy Hearts Panel 4! It is just over half done.
The current end-of-skein I'm using is just barely running out, too, so it's holding on a lot better than I thought it would. I did use the tiny blob of yarn with this, but still. I'm starting to be hopeful I won't have to sink any more $$ into this project. If I do, then I do, but here's hoping I don't!
So, for tomorrow I am going to be starting something new, for your sanity and mine. Introducing, the Floppy Brimmed Hat!

Here you see two versions of it. I'm not sure what yarn I'll be using yet, but I am excited about working on something that isn't that pink blanket. What do you think? Looking forward to something new?

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Hello to everybody today, on the 22nd of March. Today I have brief update on the Candy Hearts blanket.

So these are all my leftovers that I'm working with, which I don't think will be enough to finish off the full blanket. It will hopefully be enough for the fifth panel, but I will certainly have to buy more pink for the final outline, especially if I decide I need to add a sixth panel.

So this is as much as I've gotten done so far!

One and a half hearts out of 6. I'll be working on it again full-time tomorrow but come Friday I'll be starting a new project, I think. I'm going for another visit for the final weekend of March, and I would like to have things sorted out enough that it won't be a repeat of the beginning, with me having little to no updates. But we'll see. Traveling makes things more difficult.

Have a good night!

Tuesday 21 March 2017

And the four panels are put together! Just getting them stitched together took me an hour and half, but it's really great to see it all coming together. Now I just have one panel left to make, and then it will be done... I hope. It's still a little skinny for how long it is, so I might have to throw in a sixth panel. In any case, I hope that it will be done by April first.

Tomorrow  will be concentrating on it again. I have only scraps left over from previous skeins right now, but I think I should be able to get a full panel out of them. Well, more coming tomorrow! Goodnight.

Monday 20 March 2017

Today I have an almost-completed panel 4 to show off! I'll work on it more today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get it finished tonight. It is coming along, and I'm glad to be making progress. It's going to look fantastic when it's all put together, but I'm impatient and I want it done now. ;)

Those pictures are a little blurry. At least the second one is. But it shows you how much is done. I just need to do the white edging. And then, panel four!!! I think tomorrow I'm going to start putting them together. Either that, or I am going to start panel 5. Probably put them together. I feel like I've been going  bit intense with the crocheting lately and it's not entirely pleasant. My wrist is developing an ache. So I might need to do something that's not quite as intense, but that I can still see significant progress with.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. What do you think?

Sunday 19 March 2017

Early post today, because guess what? I got the cowl done! It took me eighty minutes total, so that's just under an hour and a half. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, too. It's so pretty.

And it ended up thicker than I expected that it would be. The yarn really went a long way.

I had a little extra, though, so I made myself a small bracelet.

I really liked this project, although the stitches were basically the same as the infinity scarf a while back. What was really different was that the pattern called for scraps of ribbon to be crocheted in, but I decided I didn't want to do that, since this was my first time working with bamboo, and I don't think I have any ribbon that would have looked good in that, anyway.

And here is Maggie, modelling.

So tomorrow I will be focusing on the Candy Hearts blanket again... and then we'll see what happens next! In the meantime, have some cake.

Saturday 18 March 2017

So today we see more on the cowl, and a cake! The cowl is taking more days than it really needs to, since I've only been putting in about half an hour a day on it, and trying to concentrate a little heavier on the candy hearts blanket. I'm pretty stoked about how they're both going, though. It shouldn't take much more than an hour, or less even, to finish the cowl. Blanket will take a little longer but I'm almost done the fourth panel! So that's exciting.

Anyway, pics of the cowl!

So this bamboo/yarn blend is super fantastic to work with. It's really soft, and doesn't have the 'itchy scragglies' that a lot of acrylic worsted weights (and even the alpaca) will have. It's a smooth yarn, but it doesn't have a sheen to it, which makes it feel much more toned down. It also makes it easy to work with. It's not super slippery, but it's not clingy either. Plus, sometimes I get a bit of a woodsy scent from it. Now that could just be my imagination, but I very much like it. Also, it's machine washable under 40C, but you can't use a machine dryer, iron, or bleach. So a little more delicate, but still awesome.

Now, the cake!

This is a blurry picture of a sour cream chocolate cake. I think I might have put in a bit too much batter for the spring form pan, but all the other cake pans were dirty (yes, I made a cake instead of washing dishes) and besides, hearts make me happy! The recipe is one I grew up with, and I'm not sure where it originally came from. It's super moist and deliciously yummy! I'll post a pic of it with icing tomorrow.