Saturday 25 February 2017

Much better update today than yesterday. First off, the candy hearts blanket update!

So that's the completed panel. I need to make 4 more for this to be done. I don't think I'm going to get it finished in February here. I really like how it looks though, and I solved the 'count drift' problem by realizing that I was counting it wrong and then paying more attention to what I was doing, and double counting if I lost count. It is taking quite a long time, though.
Now, I have an update on the shawl!

I am over half done on it now, but progress is a little slower than I would like for it, too. Fortunately it goes faster with every second row, so that's nice. I'm excited for what it will look like completed.
Finally, I'm going to move away from crochet to show off my very first attempt at cooking a cheesecake! Behold!
Doesn't it look... overdone?

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