Saturday 4 February 2017

Okay, so today's update... I got some ends woven in and the front of the shrug sewn to the back, and that's it. It's just been a really busy day, and I haven't had the time I wanted to dedicate to crocheting. Luckily I still have 3 more days to finish this off. Hopefully I'll be able to put in more time tomorrow than I did today, but we'll see. Anyway, here's a pic of the flower that got done yesterday.

And here are the pics of what's done so far.

So the one sleeve has its ends done, but it's not sewn in yet. It's looking pretty good, though, and I think it'll be super cute once its all finished. That's it for tonight, but check in tomorrow to see how much work I've got done by then. Night.

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