Sunday 12 February 2017

It's been a bit of a weird day today, and I haven't done any crocheting. So, instead of an update on the candy hearts project, I'm going to show off yet another one of my awesome creations. This is one that I made for my niece when she was born. I got the pattern off the internet,
I did find the pattern for the granny squares off the internet, form here
The pattern shown is all white, but I just switched from the flower colour to green for the background at about round 9 I think. It's been a while since I made it. I think this has to be one of my favourite things that I've created. It was a lot of work but it turned out beautiful. And if you'd like of one these yourself but don't know how to crochet or don't have the time, just leave a comment below or contact me through facebook, and I'll get back to you!
Hope you are all doing well! Have a great night and keep smiling.

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