Monday 6 February 2017

Baby shrug is done! It took right around six and a half hours to complete, and here it is!

All done and ready to wear.

And the calendar didn't call for it to be finished until tomorrow! I'm very happy to have gotten it done. There were some setbacks that made it take longer than I wanted it to, but in the end it worked out just fine. Speaking of schedule, though, I've decided that for February, I'm going to just go from one project to the next. So if a project takes me less time to complete, I'll just go straight to the next one, and if one takes a little longer, then I'll complete it before I move on. I hope it will make things more orderly.

With that in mind, let me introduce my next project. It's a bookmark.

But since I have no need of yet another bookmark, I am thinking that I'll use the cotton to make another washcloth in this pattern. We'll see how well it turns out!

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