Friday 17 February 2017

Blankets! I have some old projects here today that I will be showing off. The first one is a pattern called Painted Desert, and I got it from an old afghan book that belonged to my mother. Here is it.

I made it as a wedding present a few years back. This is actually a really great pattern. I think it's awesome to use for ends that aren't quite big enough to stand on their own.

Next we have the 'pond blanket' that I made for my grandma for Christmas several years back.

This is a pattern of my own design. I first made the backing and then the lily pads log, cattail and frog. I didn't have any sort of pattern at all to work with, except for maybe the flowers on the little pads. It was a great little project. I really enjoy making 'picture' blankets like this one.

And finally, the TARDIS blanket I made for somebody a few years back.

This one is a full twin-sized blanket. It remains one of my proudest achievements. It was a lot of work, but so worth it! It was also designed by me, and what I di was crochet the black and blue background and then 'cross-stitch' most of the detail on it. In fact, I think only the "free for private use" sign is a completely separate piece, so the back looks pretty much the same as the from except that one spot.

Well, it's really nice to go back and see what I've done in the past. If you want a special custom-made blanket like something you've seen, drop a comment below! Remember to sign up for the email updates if you haven't already! See you tomorrow.

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