Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Ralayne Scarf was designed by Jenny Wadsley-Brown.

First things first: I really do enjoy how this looks. Second thing... I hate this pattern. It's far more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm constantly losing my place and it's not very clear about what to do a lot of times. I am about 20% done, though, so that's a good thing. It is a beautiful pattern, but I don't think it's one that I am going to do again once this scarf is done. Although of course my head goes "well, just make the foundation about 5 times bigger and this would make a beautiful afghan" which it would... but my that would be difficult...

So this is how it looks so far. I love this yarn. I actually wish I had bought more. It's really pretty close up, and I think the further pics are even prettier, because the colors meld with each other so dang well. But I don't have a project for more yarn, so it's a good thing that I only bought what I did.
Speaking of yarn... I'm using Loops and Threads facets, lot 201605, Red Topaz. It's 100% acrylic. Since I got it on clearance I think it's been discontinued, but I don't have any concrete evidence for that assumption.

Anyway, I'm going to pick up some bamboo yarn here sometime soon for a project that I have coming up in March. Can't wait to show that off!

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