Monday 27 February 2017

So, it's a really late update today. I'm very sorry about that, and to make up for it, here is a picture of a pretty mountain that I took.

Now, on to crochet business! I have completed the alpaca scarf! In the end it took about 7 3/4 hours to complete, and though the final edging gave it some much needed length, it's still rather petite for someone like me. And here's the pics.

It turned out to be very lacy and pretty, but if I was going to make it for myself I'd go for about 50% bigger than how it turned out. Oh, and Maggie has been feeling neglected a little, so here she is with her bald white head.

She thinks she looks quite elegant and I agree. Working with the alpaca was a lot of fun, and i's a fibre I would definitely get again. Its different from what I expected, but it's the first time I've worked with animal fibres, so that's only to be expected.

My next project is a scarf.

I think it looks pretty neat, and so I picked up some funky-colored yarn (in my defense, it was clearance. And the last time I went to the store, it was almost all gone).

It's a very "fluffy" yarn. Not stringy or fuzzy, but the strands are very light, soft, and airy. I'm looking forward to working with it.

Well, that's it for tonight! Sleep well and see you tomorrow!

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