Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Ralayne Scarf was designed by Jenny Wadsley-Brown.

First things first: I really do enjoy how this looks. Second thing... I hate this pattern. It's far more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm constantly losing my place and it's not very clear about what to do a lot of times. I am about 20% done, though, so that's a good thing. It is a beautiful pattern, but I don't think it's one that I am going to do again once this scarf is done. Although of course my head goes "well, just make the foundation about 5 times bigger and this would make a beautiful afghan" which it would... but my that would be difficult...

So this is how it looks so far. I love this yarn. I actually wish I had bought more. It's really pretty close up, and I think the further pics are even prettier, because the colors meld with each other so dang well. But I don't have a project for more yarn, so it's a good thing that I only bought what I did.
Speaking of yarn... I'm using Loops and Threads facets, lot 201605, Red Topaz. It's 100% acrylic. Since I got it on clearance I think it's been discontinued, but I don't have any concrete evidence for that assumption.

Anyway, I'm going to pick up some bamboo yarn here sometime soon for a project that I have coming up in March. Can't wait to show that off!

Monday 27 February 2017

So, it's a really late update today. I'm very sorry about that, and to make up for it, here is a picture of a pretty mountain that I took.

Now, on to crochet business! I have completed the alpaca scarf! In the end it took about 7 3/4 hours to complete, and though the final edging gave it some much needed length, it's still rather petite for someone like me. And here's the pics.

It turned out to be very lacy and pretty, but if I was going to make it for myself I'd go for about 50% bigger than how it turned out. Oh, and Maggie has been feeling neglected a little, so here she is with her bald white head.

She thinks she looks quite elegant and I agree. Working with the alpaca was a lot of fun, and i's a fibre I would definitely get again. Its different from what I expected, but it's the first time I've worked with animal fibres, so that's only to be expected.

My next project is a scarf.

I think it looks pretty neat, and so I picked up some funky-colored yarn (in my defense, it was clearance. And the last time I went to the store, it was almost all gone).

It's a very "fluffy" yarn. Not stringy or fuzzy, but the strands are very light, soft, and airy. I'm looking forward to working with it.

Well, that's it for tonight! Sleep well and see you tomorrow!

Sunday 26 February 2017

Main body of the shawl is done! Now it's just the edging that is left. The proportions are a little strange to me. It's very short for how long it is.

It looks okay here, but it's 13.5 inches by 56 inches, and it just feels weird when wrapping it around my shoulders. I think it needed to be at least twice as long down the middle as it is. Also, it has used less than half of my alpaca wool, which is surprising. I think maybe it will work best as a shawl for a very petite woman or a child. I don't know. I'll have to ponder what to do with it now.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Much better update today than yesterday. First off, the candy hearts blanket update!

So that's the completed panel. I need to make 4 more for this to be done. I don't think I'm going to get it finished in February here. I really like how it looks though, and I solved the 'count drift' problem by realizing that I was counting it wrong and then paying more attention to what I was doing, and double counting if I lost count. It is taking quite a long time, though.
Now, I have an update on the shawl!

I am over half done on it now, but progress is a little slower than I would like for it, too. Fortunately it goes faster with every second row, so that's nice. I'm excited for what it will look like completed.
Finally, I'm going to move away from crochet to show off my very first attempt at cooking a cheesecake! Behold!
Doesn't it look... overdone?

Friday 24 February 2017

So I finished one panel of the candy hearts blanket, but pics aren't working.
Not sure what else to say... it's been a weird day.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Day two of alpaca!

By my calculations it will take about 22 rows to complete, and I've got almost 5 done after putting in another hour-ish of crocheting. So it's not super slow, but it's not really fast. I'm loving how it looks and I'm sure it'll be wonderful once it's done.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

First day of the Alapca shawl! I am super excited to be working with my alpaca yarn, because even though it's not what I expected it's beautiful and soft and I love it. So, first off the pattern is by Gail Tanquary of Crystal Palace Yarns (which is why the pattern calls for Crystal Palace Yarns brand yarn)

Anyways, it's a beautiful pattern, and so far I've put in about an hour and I've gotten one row done... yup. But each row is smaller than the last, so each row will take a less amount of time than the previous one.

Working with alpaca isn't all that different than working with other yarns. What I got is a thin, lighter weight, so it's a little tricky keeping it in place some times but I have the same problem with baby 100% acrylic. One thing that I've noticed that I find really interesting is even though it's not as "smooth" as the acrylic, it moves easier on the hook. It doesn't catch the same way acrylic sometimes does and it doesn't "stick". It's got a great texture that I quite enjoy.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Here is today's Log Cabin Dishcoth! Designed byMaggie Weldon of Maggie's Crochet

So this project took me an hour and a half to complete. I think it turned out quite well, and I like the look that it presents. This is one that would be great to make a whole bunch of motifs out of for a larger blanket.

Just imagine a whole bunch of these in different colors making up an afghan. It would look very much like a quilt. I seem to be finding a lot of "in the future large projects" with this calendar. I like it, a lot, but it's just kind of funny to me. I didn't expect to have it work out this way.
Anyway, tomorrow's project is starting with the Alpaca yarn!

This is a shawl, an I think I'm going to end up using pretty much all 6 skeins of yarn for it. I'm super excited to see how it will turn out!

Monday 20 February 2017

Spikes all around it done! all.So it ended up being 12 inches long and 9 inches tall. I'm not sure I'd use it as a regular purse, but I could see using it as a carry on for the bus or something when I need more room for my stuff than my regular purse allows.

But then, I like the over-the-shoulder handles, or even cross-chest ones. They just feel more secure to me. This could still hold like a kindle or books and notebooks and stuff. It's pretty cute.
Anyway, the next pattern is the log cabin dishcloth. Apparently it is a take on the classic log cabbin quilting design. I think it looks pretty cool.

I'll be using this bernat cotton yarn again. It's lasted me through a lot of projects, which I think is really awesome. I'm excited to see how it will turn off!

Sunday 19 February 2017

Spikes all around is almost done!

The handles aren't as long as I like on my purses, but I still think it's a cute little bag. I think I'll be able to weave in the end quite easily tomorrow, and then it's onto my next project.

Quick update on Candy Hearts blanket. It's coming along nicely. I've found that I sometimes make the popcorn stitch wrong, which is why my previous attempt had such wonky sides. This panel is going much better, and it has all smooth edges. I just have to stay vigilant and make sure that I count and recount stitches to make sure I'm doing it properly. I am a little concerned I won't be able to get it done by the end of the month, but once I get a new show on Netflix to binge watch that'll be easier. Any suggestions?

Saturday 18 February 2017

Over half done the spikes all around purse! Row 27 out of 44. I have been working on it while marathoning Bones. I think it looks pretty nice. I like the wavy pattern. I think it would be awesome with a whole bunch of different colours. Anyway, here's the pic.

It's a pretty neat pattern, right? I like it.

Anyway, that's it for today. Goodnight and sleep well!

Friday 17 February 2017

Blankets! I have some old projects here today that I will be showing off. The first one is a pattern called Painted Desert, and I got it from an old afghan book that belonged to my mother. Here is it.

I made it as a wedding present a few years back. This is actually a really great pattern. I think it's awesome to use for ends that aren't quite big enough to stand on their own.

Next we have the 'pond blanket' that I made for my grandma for Christmas several years back.

This is a pattern of my own design. I first made the backing and then the lily pads log, cattail and frog. I didn't have any sort of pattern at all to work with, except for maybe the flowers on the little pads. It was a great little project. I really enjoy making 'picture' blankets like this one.

And finally, the TARDIS blanket I made for somebody a few years back.

This one is a full twin-sized blanket. It remains one of my proudest achievements. It was a lot of work, but so worth it! It was also designed by me, and what I di was crochet the black and blue background and then 'cross-stitch' most of the detail on it. In fact, I think only the "free for private use" sign is a completely separate piece, so the back looks pretty much the same as the from except that one spot.

Well, it's really nice to go back and see what I've done in the past. If you want a special custom-made blanket like something you've seen, drop a comment below! Remember to sign up for the email updates if you haven't already! See you tomorrow.

Thursday 16 February 2017

So I decided to work on the Candy Hearts blanket in the background while I go forward with other projects. And today's new project is the Spikes All Around Purse, designed by Sue Usiatynski of Turtles TLC.

So for this project I'll be using some red and black worsted weight yarn I had kicking around.

I'm not sure what brand the red is, but the black is some more of that value pack that I've used before. Honestly I have a lot of yarn that I'm not sure I can use for projects, but the Michaels where I live has some great clearance sales on right now that I'm picking some up... I may be a little addicted, but I'm not buying anything without a specific pattern in mind and written down! So that's a good thing.

But that's a tangent. Back to the Spikes All Around Purse

I've put in about an hour so far and I've finished round 12 of 44, so I'm about 25% done. It's a fun pattern, too. Not one I am going to look at making a blanket out of, though. Far too much work would be involved in it... Anyway, here's what I have gotten done so far

This is worked in rounds, so what you're seeing there is a flat side. I'm liking how it is going so far. I love the spikes!

Wednesday 15 February 2017

So I got the first panel almost done today. It took about five hours. The panel edges are looking better now they have the border. I think I might move onto the next project and work on this one in the background. I am not really feeling all that great today so I'll let you know more tomorrow.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Today is an update on the Candy Heart Blanket! It' being made from Bernat Softee Baby, 100% acrylic. The pattern is by Michelle Crean by Treasured Heirlooms Crochet

So this is made in 5 panels connected together. Right now I'm working my first panel. Here is it half done.

And then at this point the hearts switch so they're pointed the other direction.

I am having difficulty keeping stitches. I keep finding myself with too many or not enough, which makes the sides very bumpy right now. I don't know if the border will help fix that or I'll have to completely redo it in order for the panel to have nice smooth edges. We'll see. Hopefully my next panel will be better. Anyway, I am hoping to put in more time on this, since it's taking far longer than I would like. I'm hoping to get this panel finished and a good start on the next one by tomorrow. We'll see how successful I am, though!

Anybody out there have any advice how to make sure I'm keeping good with stitches? Even when I count I end up wrong... I get distracted...

Monday 13 February 2017

My alpaca yarn came in!!! I am so excited.  I will be making a shawl out of it with a calendar pattern, so you'll be able to see what I make in a week I think. In the meantime, here is the yarn

So that's what it looks like. I have 300 grams total. I love the color and I can't wait to work with it.

Well, I have crocheted today but there isn't a lot to say about it, so I'll just be leaving it here. Goodnight and have a great day!

Sunday 12 February 2017

It's been a bit of a weird day today, and I haven't done any crocheting. So, instead of an update on the candy hearts project, I'm going to show off yet another one of my awesome creations. This is one that I made for my niece when she was born. I got the pattern off the internet,
I did find the pattern for the granny squares off the internet, form here
The pattern shown is all white, but I just switched from the flower colour to green for the background at about round 9 I think. It's been a while since I made it. I think this has to be one of my favourite things that I've created. It was a lot of work but it turned out beautiful. And if you'd like of one these yourself but don't know how to crochet or don't have the time, just leave a comment below or contact me through facebook, and I'll get back to you!
Hope you are all doing well! Have a great night and keep smiling.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Today is the first day of the candy heart blanket. And here it is! The very first heart.

So that's it so far. I know I dually give more information than this, but I'm not at home right now so I don't have it right now. But you CA see the first heart here. I think it looks great. It's about 1/3 of this panel done, and there are 6 panels plus the Un between borders. So... yeah. Hope you are doing good tonight. Cya!