Saturday 6 May 2017

Okay, so I am attempting to restart my brain. I'm revamping how I do things because I have been feeling like I've been running on super-low empty lately. As such, for a little while at least I'm cherry picking smaller projects from the calendar out of sequence so that I can feel like I'm making quicker progress and also not feel as much pressure to do things. I've started a new job and I'm moving, so things are a little hectic right now.

Anyway, here is my new project!

The Rustic Washcloth. Designed by Benjamin C. Krudwig  from Benjamin Krudwig Designs. The website provided isn't working. So it's a washcloth (obviously) that I'm making out of the last of my Bernat handicraft cotton. I think this will be the last project that comes out of it.

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