Wednesday 5 April 2017

Today is a day of many mistakes. Before I start into it, though, here's a pic of my crochet work station right now.

It pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. Like a chaotic mess with too much going on. So to begin with, I was putting my latest panel onto the candy hearts blanket and I realized it was short. Like, really short. So I took a closer look at it and...

This is one side. Three hearts, beautiful and correct!

Here's the other side, two hearts. I missed a whole heart while crocheting. So that means taking out all that white edging that I put on last night. and since I already wove in the ends, that meant cutting it up. Not happy. This is what I ended up salvaging yarn wise.

I can't use it again on the edging because the pieces are just too short to be able to be smooth. I have more of the skein left over, thank goodness, but these are all going to have to go into the rug. And here is all my work gone.

Luckily I'll be able to salvage the pink edging and just add a little bit once I've put on the last heart, otherwise I'd really be upset.

So now we come to my second mistake. I start crocheting and I'm nearly done said third heart when...

I realize I've only put two blank spaces between the hearts, rather than three like it's supposed to have. So I have to rip almost the whole heart out. *sigh* it's not been a good day today.

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