Monday 17 April 2017

Another update, this one for today rather than yesterday. I've completed the repeated pattern again, and it went from 18 inches to 20 inches. I can do one more repeat to get it the required 22 inches, but since it's crocheted all around, I am concerned that it's getting too bulky on the sides and back to get to the required length. I am going to think on it a bit more to see if I can figure a way to add to just the sides and bottom without making it look weird.

So here it is so far

You can see why adding too much would make it weird. It would also have a harder time sitting on the shoulders right. So I am going to leave it for now, maybe talk to my client about it. For the meantime, I am going to start on these sleeves.

More pics!

Close up of where the button will go

Close up of the shoulder.

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