Thursday 6 April 2017

Fantastic news everybody! I am making a cardigan for pay! I started a little while ago, but I've decided today that there is no real point in working on it in the background, so I'm going to take a day or two to concentrate on it so that I can get it done for my client. So for starters, I'm using 100% acrylic Red Heart Soft yarn in teal. I got it in a 10 oz ball that was on clearance at Michaels a few weeks ago, and I love it. For the pattern I am using a free pattern designed by Kimberly McAlindin from Red Heart, which can be found here

This is what it will (hopefully) look like when I'm done. Here's what I have so far! The front and back (there will be more added to it later to achieve the look you see in the above pic)

And the beginning of one sleeve!

I don't know why, but I can't seem to get a pic with the proper color. This makes the yarn look much more dark blue than it is. It is a fairly dark color, but it's not this blue. So I'm not sure why that is. In any case, I'm really excited to be making this beautiful cardigan! Let me know what you think in the comments below! If you aren't following the blog, you can sign up to get emailed updates to the right. Have a great night.

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