Sunday 30 April 2017

Okay... so it's getting late and I and both tired and busy, so no new crocheting today, either. I'll start again tomorrow, I promise! For now, here's all the projects that I made with the Benert Handicrafter cotton.

So all of these were from one skein of yarn that only cost something like $10CAN regularly, but I got it with either a 40% or a 50% off coupon from Michaels. Michaels actually often has really good coupons, and you can actually have them scan the coupons from your smartphone. Pretty nifty in my opinion!

Saturday 29 April 2017

Okay, so I didn't get crocheting done today as I was very busy with other things. I've decided to post a few pics of my favorite finished products for today's blog instead.

And here is my beautiful Prince Thunderbolt!

Friday 28 April 2017

Thursday 27 April 2017

The sixth panel is done and attached! I am so happy!

All that needs done now is the border, and then I can start a NEW blanket!  😁 Anybody need a present for a new baby?

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Day five of the final panel!! The sixth heart is done and half of the pink edging is complete. After that, two edging rows of white and then I can connect it to the min blanket.

Doesn't it look good?

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Another heart is completed!

I should be able to finish this off in the next few days, yay!

Monday 24 April 2017

Day three of the final panel! And what exactly has been done? What progress has been made...

Four hearts done!! That's right, two hearts have been completed since yesterday's blog! Two more to go and then the outlines and BAM! This panel will be done! Super excited!

Sunday 23 April 2017

Day two of the final panel... heart two done!

What will tomorrow bring...? *cue dramatic music*

Saturday 22 April 2017

So for today I got the pink  yarn for the candy hearts blacker and I've started the last panel. (And it will be the last panel). So far I have gotten one heart done. Yay!

And here it is.

This is the last first heart I will make! Yay!

Friday 21 April 2017

So I didn't end up getting more yarn for the candy hearts blanket today, so I worked on the lacy shawl. I don't really like the yarn I'm working with. It's very fuzzy, and just feels a little dirty. I don't know if it's wool or not either, so I don't know if I can wash it in the machine. If it is wool and I wash it in the machine, then it will felt.

Anyway, here's pic of what it looks like so far.

It doesn't look as fuzzy here as it does in real like. I do like the pattern, it's really nice. It's probably on I'll use again.

Thursday 20 April 2017

I have finished the fifth panel of the candy hearts blanket!

But it's lopsided. It's too skinny for how long it is. So I need to go pick up more yarn so I can make a sixth panel so it looks proper. :( at least it's a pretty blanket.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Cardigan is done. All I need is just the right button to put on it. I thought I had  good button, but it turned out to be not good at all for something like this.

Anyway here is the finished Cardi!

Both sleeves.

Full thing. I couldn't get the sleeves to lay quite right. I wish I had a model to show it off on, but alas I do not. It was delightful to work on, though, and it's a pattern I'll be using again. Just as a reminder, you can find the pattern here
So tomorrow I am going to be working on the candy hearts blanket again. So we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

One sleeve done!
And there it is! :)
So I talked to my client, and they have agreed that it's okay to have the cardigan at 20 inches rather than 22 inches, so that is going to be really helpful. I just have the other sleeve to do, and then the cardigan will be finished! I'm looking forward to showing off the finished product.

Monday 17 April 2017

Another update, this one for today rather than yesterday. I've completed the repeated pattern again, and it went from 18 inches to 20 inches. I can do one more repeat to get it the required 22 inches, but since it's crocheted all around, I am concerned that it's getting too bulky on the sides and back to get to the required length. I am going to think on it a bit more to see if I can figure a way to add to just the sides and bottom without making it look weird.

So here it is so far

You can see why adding too much would make it weird. It would also have a harder time sitting on the shoulders right. So I am going to leave it for now, maybe talk to my client about it. For the meantime, I am going to start on these sleeves.

More pics!

Close up of where the button will go

Close up of the shoulder.

Let me know what you think! You can comment below. If you're not already signed up, you can also get emailed updates by signing up on the right. Have a good night.
Okay, so here is the update that I promised for last night and it turns out not to be as exciting as I had hoped. I finished up the pattern, but I remembered that my client wanted the cardigan to measure 22 inches along the length of the back, and...

It's only about 18 inches. So that was a little disheartening, but since the pattern calls for repeated rows, all I have to do is add some more, which I have done, but it's not quite 22 inches yet. I figure I'll be able to get that done here soon, and it's going to be lovey.

The cardigan isn't happy with me either. Two or three more days to get it done? Maybe!

Sunday 16 April 2017

No update today, but check it out tomorrow morning... I hope to have something awesome to show you!

Saturday 15 April 2017

I know you guys must be getting bored of this cardigan, but I am really wanting to just keep working on this to get it done. Today I managed to get done 2 rows. So 3 left on this edging!

I did this while watching TLC'S Playhouse Masters. Great show! Love seeing the awesome things they build.

Friday 14 April 2017

Beautiful update today! I only have about 5 rounds left to do and then the sleeve edging, and it will be done! Yipee!

Here's a close-up on the edging. It's looking very lacy, huh?

Collar up

Collar down. Not the best layout for it, but I wanted to get a good shot of the edging there. I think its looking fabulous. What do you think?

Thursday 13 April 2017

  1. Okay,  so I have crocheted today, but it's not enough to really show on pics. I did write just over 7,000 words! So it was still a great day.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Another late update today, but it is well worth it! The second sleeve is completed!

Doesn't it look great?? I am very close to being done It's just the edging to go!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

More updates on the cardigan today! First off, I fixed that error that I made with the previous sleeve, as you can see here

And a close up here

In the end it was a fairly easy fix. I just had to 'double seam' it, or re-sew it from the inside so that the seam was on the inside, rather than the outside. It passes inspection.

And I have some completed for the second sleeve!

I'm almost out of this skein of yarn, but I have plenty left so I'm not worried. I am really enjoying working with this pattern, since its not super complicated but it still takes concentration. I also like how it looks as it's being put together. Can't wait to see it all put together!