Tuesday 8 August 2017

So I worked some more on the vest yesterday and I got the back done. Or at least I thought I had.

Looking at the pattern again, I realized that I messed up. The front and back are supposed to be made joined at the shoulder, and only the sides need to be flipped over. Instead I made this one solid piece for the back. So I have to start all over. Well, I guess I technically don't, but it will be easier to do that. Such is life!

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Okay, so I've fallen off the crochet wagon again, and that's because I'm so busy with work. I'm exhausted a lot of the day and I just don't feel like doing anything when I'm done. I hope to start up again soon but we'll have to see. In the meantime, here's another old project. Iron Cuddles!

And here he is with his pal, Cuddles Hulk