Tuesday 8 August 2017

So I worked some more on the vest yesterday and I got the back done. Or at least I thought I had.

Looking at the pattern again, I realized that I messed up. The front and back are supposed to be made joined at the shoulder, and only the sides need to be flipped over. Instead I made this one solid piece for the back. So I have to start all over. Well, I guess I technically don't, but it will be easier to do that. Such is life!

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Okay, so I've fallen off the crochet wagon again, and that's because I'm so busy with work. I'm exhausted a lot of the day and I just don't feel like doing anything when I'm done. I hope to start up again soon but we'll have to see. In the meantime, here's another old project. Iron Cuddles!

And here he is with his pal, Cuddles Hulk

Tuesday 25 July 2017


So I dont have anything new to show you, but here is an old othing i made. Cuddle Hulk. I just used old scraps to male him, but he is super cute dont you think?

Sunday 23 July 2017

More knitting. I don't know, this feels like it's taking a long time just to get a little bit done.

As a reminder this was yesterday

And this is today. So I have gotten more done on it, it just seems to be longer. I don't know, so far I'm like crocheting better... but I also have a lot more experience with crocheting so that's probably it. I just hope that knitting starts to go faster. It's more involved than crocheting, though, so I think it'll probably always end up being a little slower.

Saturday 22 July 2017

So I am visiting family now, and instead of packing up a bunch of crocheting and possibly wrecking my patterns, I'm taking this opportunity to start knitting!
I was taught how to do the basics here by my mom. It's pretty easy to get the hang of, though it's not all that easy to keep the yarn on the needles. It's very slippery. I'm using craftsmart value yarn in black. I always find black difficult to work with when crocheting, since it's easy to miss stitches, but with knitting it's all laid out there, so I'm liking using black with it. Right now I'm just going to make a basic scarf or something, but I'm eager to see what I'll like best once I'm more familiar with knitting.

Friday 21 July 2017

No crocheting today, but I did go to Lake Louise and Emerald Lake today, as well as the natural bridge up in that area. It was awesome but very crowded. Lots of people there!

Wednesday 19 July 2017

And more is done on the little girl's vest!

You can see the narrowing at the top. That's shaping the armholes, and I think it looks decent. I'm enjoying this yarn, although it's not as nice as some of the yarn that I've worked with. For this project I'm using three strands together to give it more body, and it's turning out fairly thick. I think it'll end up being a good late spring/early fall vest.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Update on the little girl's vest.

So it now measures 7 1/2 inches long, and I'll be able to start shaping the armholes tomorrow. I know I've been quite inconsistent these last few days, but I hope that life will settle down enough so that I don't feel like I'm working until bedtime. Which I'm not, it just feels that way :/ Hope you are all doing good!

Thursday 13 July 2017

Okay, so today is the start of the vest! Not much to show, I've only done a couple inches, but here it is.

It'll keep with this pattern for awhile, and the start shaping the arm holes. This is the back.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Update on the anniversary surprise blanket!

It's coming along swell. I'm not sure how long it will end up being, but right now the plan is to make it in groups of nine, and then connect them once I have enough made. I'm thinking about putting a different color to connect them too.

Also, I've got a pic of the first afghan I ever made

I love this blanket. :)

Monday 10 July 2017

So did you guess what yesterday's project was? Here's another clue.

If you guess a hat, you were right! This is the hat for the girl's hat and vest by Lily of www.sugarncream.com

I'm using a super old yarn that I got from my mom years and years ago, Baby Sayelle. It's 100% acrylic.  The pattern is for the hat and a vest
 So I am going to start on the vest next! See you again tomorrow. W

Sunday 9 July 2017

Saturday 8 July 2017

New project started! The Anniversary Surprise Blanket. The design is by Derrin Berry of Tangled Yarn.

And my start.

I'll be updating every once in a while, in the meantime I will be doing other projects.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Another day, another project. I'm moving quickly right now! I'm quite pleased with the work I'm going :) It's making me very happy to be crocheting again and getting this stuff done. I love crocheting and I'm just super glad to be back in the saddle.

Anyway, today's project: The Daisy Wheel Dishcloth by Bernat

I used a bernat cotton, in a variegated blue but it's an old yarn so I didn't have the label. It turned out quite lovely, although it's quite similar to a dishcloth I made at an earlier time. This one I think I'm going to use as a doily, because it is quite large.

I think it looks quite neat! What do you think?

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Here is an old project that has been completed! It's the pretty pink collar designed by Loretta Schepp

Now, this is the crocheting that is completed. I'm going to use this as a trim around a little girl's skirt that I will make once I find the right color of material.

What will tomorrow's project be? Check back and find out...

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Two projects completed today! Both are my own patterns. One is a little ruffled apron that I made for a toy bear.

And I got all the fins done for the Phineas fish.

This it is. In comparison to the actual fish

So I'm not super happy with how it turned out, but at least it's progress. I'll have to do some more work on it, but I've at leas got the basis done.

Monday 3 July 2017

I'm back in the saddle! So I dug out a bunch of my yarn, including the Caron Simply Soft red for my second fish. Here is the start of it!

So this is a pattern I'm creating. If I get enough interest (you can comment on this post below) I'll post a written pattern so that you can make fishes of your own! So if that's something you'd like, please let me know.

Saturday 1 July 2017

Happy Canada Day!

So, I've moved and I have internet now, but because life has been crazy I haven't finished unpacking all my stuff yet and so I don't have my projects out. I've found a few things s far, and I hope to be able to pull something out so I can start upthe regular blog again tomorrow. So sorry for the delay!

Friday 16 June 2017

So I have moved but I don't have internet, which is why I have prolonged silence. I don't know exactly when I will return, but I hope it will be soon. Sorry for the delay!

Saturday 3 June 2017

Went canoeing on a lake today, and now I am kinda sore and tired. So here are some throwback pictures!

And in other news, I am going to be travelling and moving next week, so I've made the decision to put my blog on hiatus until the 11th. I hope you all have a great week!

Friday 2 June 2017

So I am still working on my fish, but there really isn't anything major to report. I'll have a finished product to show off tomorrow. I also forgot to say what yarns I'll be using. I'm using Country Blue and Dark Country Blue from Caron Simply Sote.

So I know that this is the same picture from yesterday, but I figured it was better than no pic at all. Once I'm done with Prince Thunderbolt, I'm going to start work on Phineas using the Caron Simply Soft color Autumn Red.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Hello everybody. Very late update for today, so I'm sorry about that. I'm also sorry for the thin updates that have been happening lately. It's just life is busy :/ I hope you are still enjoying this blog, though.

Anyway, I'm almost done my crocheted betta.

As a reference, here is a picture of Prince Thunderbolt

I hope you can see the similarities!

For the body I did shell stitches

And the fins, I'm using a front post double stitch on some parts to make them stand out more

You can't really see the ridges here, but they are noticeable in real life

Wednesday 31 May 2017

So my crocheted fish isn't looking especially fishlike right now, more like an alien creature. I hope that when it's done it'll look better though. Right now I have the top and bottom fins done, and I'm working on his tail. I'm going to have to go get some red yarn sometime because Prince Thunderbolt had some red on him.

Anyway, here is what I have so far.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

My new project is one that I'll be making up a pattern as I go along. My fish died recently, so I decided to crochet his image that I'll put on a blanket.


So this is what I have so far. The 'face' part is a little weird right now, but I think that will look better once that end is woven in.

Monday 29 May 2017

The Ocean Waves Scarf is done! I love how it turned out, an it's a simple pattern too. Great for beginners.

I really enjoyed making this scarf, and I am definitely going to work with Caron Cake yarn in the future. It's so soft! I want to make myself a blanket out of it.

So I'm not sure what I'll be starting tomorrow, but I'll have something to do. I hope to see you back!

Sunday 28 May 2017

Day two of the Ocean Waves scarf, and I'm over half done! I really enjoy how the skien is looking now

Because it's more flat than long, unlike traditional skeins, this has managed to stay standing even though most of its volume has been taken out. I imagine it will collapse soon, though. Only three colors left!

And here is what is done so far. I love how these colors go together. It looks so pretty. Again, this is mixed berry Caron Cake. I must say I'm kind of in love with this yarn. Not only do I love the colors and how it's put together but (I have to say it again) it's so soft! It's absolutely fantastic and I love it.